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Signs Gone Horribly Wrong

FUNNY SIGNS: An excerpt from our photo gallery curated from SOT’s Facebook and the web.




Selections and captions by Jesse Burkhart and Jeff Russ

BOTH OUR PHOTO galleries and Facebook page are huge hits with our audience! Here we sample a gallery of many of the funniest signs the internet has on offer — researched, culled and captioned by Signs of the Times Digital Content Editor Jesse Burkhart, with longtime SOT staffer, Content Studio Manager Jeff Russ, who regularly posts to our Facebook page.

For dozens more signs gone horribly wrong and other photo galleries, go to and for regular coverage of funny, interesting and otherwise noteworthy signs, follow us at

Yeah, Right

Good luck collecting on any infractions.

I Seeee You

We found the creepiest bus wrap on the internet. You’re welcome.


Hard to say what’s worse — the sign itself, or the fact it was still posted.

Hardly Very Sporting

Not the most kid-friendly combination of signs.

I Sort Of See It…

“Infection Free” or “Free Infection”?

Bottom Out

For the sake of the business, let’s hope people don’t read this sign from top to bottom like they would every other sign in the world.

Just How?

A totally useless sign, no two ways about it.

Quote, Unquote

This sign, on second thought, seems just right.

Hey, Be Nice

A structure fire is bad enough; let’s at least make sure people sleep soundly through it.

Deliciously Soothing

Either this is an unfortunate design, or the spa is deadly serious about its buy-one, get half-off promotion.




Mars Bravo: The Most Interesting Name in the Sign Industry

Mars Bravo is not the kind of name you hear very often in the sign industry — the kind of name more likely to follow, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage…!” In this episode, Eric interviews Mars to find out about her start in the sign industry and her ideas for the future, first with how she got her name.

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