RiNo Sign Works (Lakwood, CO) & Amigo Arts (Monroe, WA) share first place.
Best of Show winner Timber Signs constructed routed, spray-coated signs with a hand-carved “Kraken” and gilded lettering.
This racing boat received eight full 75-ft. rolls of silver and red chrome wrap film.
Creative Sign Designs (Tampa, FL) constructed a multi-layered, hand-carved piece with a custom-fabricated gator head.
KAP Signs (Dayton, OH) turned heads with a double-face internally illuminated sign with push-through letters and logo.
Wagner Electric Sign Co. incorporated local flowers and architectural accents for the Lexington Opera House.
Megamark (Montreuil, France) designed and fabricated more than 150 vehicles featuring oversized images of fruits and vegetables.
ARTfx prevailed with its ghost murals project for Elicit Brewing Company.
Timber Signs’ detailed craftsmanship was on display once again with this handcarved and handpainted masterpiece.
Creative Color Inc.'s (Minneapolis) taco truck sported a colorful personality and oversized sugar skulls to stand above the rest.