Considers revising its sign ordinance to make the city more business friendly
Also elects executive committee members and trustees
Berkeley, CA's Flying Colors creates banners that promote the NHL Firestone Winter Classic
Visual Communications and Archetype sign help a community college celebrate its centennial.
Metromedia Technologies helps Denver art organizations promote upcoming exhibits.
Even the simplest vehicle wraps present challenges.
FranCisco Vargas, formerly known as the Travelling Millennium Sign Artist, is a Fresno, CA-based muralist who owns his own shop, Studio Vargas. During the last...
Here are some key points you should know.
Roland DGA Corporation (Irvine, CA) has introduced its 54-in.-wide, VersaUV LEC-540 UV-LED inkjet printer/cutter that prints CMYK and white inks (plus a clear varnish) on media...