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Metal Fabrication

YKK Snad Snap Fasteners

Created for the marine industry, adapted for signage



YKK Snap Fasteners America (Lawrenceburg, KY) is announcing Snad® snap fasteners. Originally created for the marine industry, the dome-shaped fasteners contain a 3M VHB foam adhesive and a plastic or silicone base. Plastic fasteners are made of automotive-grade material and are designed for flat surfaces, while fasteners with a silicone base are designed for convex or concave surfaces, such as metal tubing. The fasteners are available as a stud or socket, are available in black, white, gray or custom colors, and can be purchased through authorized distributors.

(800) 786-2561;



Mars Bravo: The Most Interesting Name in the Sign Industry

Mars Bravo is not the kind of name you hear very often in the sign industry — the kind of name more likely to follow, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage…!” In this episode, Eric interviews Mars to find out about her start in the sign industry and her ideas for the future, first with how she got her name.

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