Signs of the Times

December 1917 Signs of the Times Cover: Safe for Democracy

Safe for Democracy

WITH THE US HAVING entered World War I eight months before, the December 1917 cover of Signs of the Times features Uncle Sam in the role of signpainter, covering “Autocracy” with “Democracy.” The entire sign community was doing its part. The issue’s “Show-Card Gossip” mentioned that “Eight members of the Brush & Pen Craft, Chicago are now in the service of Uncle Sam.” See this and other issues dating back to 1906 at

  • Blame Signs Not Cars
    The issue’s “Electrical Advertising Department” gave notice that the national fuel administrator had pronounced, “the public is visually impressed by the apparent waste of fuel, which it be­lieves to be involved in the lighting of the electric display signs so con­spicuous a feature of the life of our larger cities…” In response major US “Central [Power] Stations” pledged their support to withhold the use of coal for the purpose.
  • Compliance or Defiance?
    Though the editors advocated for strict adherence, they added, “No interpretation of this announcement should furnish the impression that Signs of the Times will not continue to advocate the use of electric signs. This it will continue to do as religiously as heretofore. Never was there a greater necessity for electric signs of advertis­ing value.”
    Hell yeah!

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