To Our Coy Congress

With apologies to Andrew Marvell, author of “To His Coy Mistress” (17th Century)

Had small business world enough and time
Congress’ coyness would be no crime.
For business-plan purposes we must inquire
Will the small-business tax cuts expire?
But Pelosi and Reid now leave us in limbo
Treating Americans like so many bimbos.
That 3% difference has huge implications
For hiring and capital spending’s cessation.
And what about tax breaks at one-quarter million?
There are a couple blanks I’d like Congress to fill in.
How many are small-business non-corporations?
That file as individuals, do you have that information?
Don’t delay just because of mid-term elections
For fear of disrupting voters’ selections
‘Cause we’re already angry, “More change!” we shout.
Democrats and Republicans, throw ALL the bums out!
Newcomers will flourish, anonymous though they be
“I hope they’ll vote against him, which leaves me.”
We know there’s no quick fix; the problems are deep-seated
Even if all finger-pointers are defeated.
I wish we could abolish negative campaigning
Concocting solutions would take some explaining.
And what about shedding party affiliation?
So candidates can discuss their real inclinations.
Don’t force-feed a slate of Republican ideals
Just downsize government, give small business wheels.
If gays want to marry, give them that choice
Why should we deny them the joys of divorce?
Don’t tell me to fight against stem-cell research
That saved the life of a 3-year-old girl at my church.
Don’t give me a self-righteous stance, no thanks
With moral lepers like Gingrich filling your ranks.
The pendulum’s swung back, at Obama we’re p… miffed
(But not quite enough for Bush to be missed).
Can government run any business, with zero incentive?
It should limit controls to moderate preventives.
I laughed at the bumper sticker, but it’s not really funny.
“Socialism is fine until you spend everyone’s money.”
Of course, the general public, is also much to blame
Entitlement reigns as the name of the game.
The Greatest Generation must shake their heads and wonder
At the nest egg that we baby boomers have plundered.
“I deserve this. I need this,” cries our lot
When in reality, we don’t deserve squat.
We get what we work for, we get what we earn.
That’s why capitalism works, from effort there’s return.
But lenders and Everyman, saturated with greed
Insisted every “want” was an absolute “need.”
Letting people buy houses with no money down?
Loan officers epitomized Bozo the Clown.
Can’t make the payments? “No problem, I’m selling it.”
“It depreciated? Huh? You mean I have to dwell in it?”
No cash in the bank? “No problem, I’ve got plastic.”
“They just upped my limit, no need to get spastic.”
We forget that immigrants paid their dues, in turn.
That English was the language they made their kids learn.
From Ellis Island they came, sacrificed and labored
Becoming American was something they savored.
What must they think of illegal immigration?
When citizenship’s the prize for any fornication?
When a blue-collar family can’t get a vaccine
That’s reserved for illegals, that’s simply obscene.
You think I exaggerate? A relative worked for the county.
She saw it happen often, this siphoning of bounty.
We’re all part of the problem. We all share the blame.
“Woulda, coulda, shoulda” is amazingly lame.
Please remember small business is America’s spine.
And the lifeblood for them is the on-premise sign.
Think “nation” first, at the risk of rejection.
Think long-term first, not your next election.
Think of your ideals, not party affiliation.
And maybe again we can be a great nation.


Wade Swormstedt

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