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2019 Signshop Competition Entry Deadline is Today

Time is running short to enter our annual sign contest!




The deadline to enter the 2019 Signs of the Times Signshop Competition is today (July 1)!

To enter the 2019 Signshop Competition, click here.

Formerly known as the International Sign Contest, the 2019 Signshop Competition will be published in our September issue. Entrants must be sign companies. Design firms must enter through their sign fabricating partners. Eligible projects must have been completed between May 2018-June 2019. Projects previously covered by Signs of the Times are ineligible.

This year, we have created three “divisions” for signshops based on their number of employees. Small shops (1-9 employees) will compete against each other, as will medium shops (10-24 employees) and large shops (25 or more). Within each division, we offer four categories of signs: best original signshop design and fabrication, both electric and non-electric; and best client design/shop fabrication, both electric and non-electric. So, any shop, regardless of its size, will be able to enter up to three projects each to these four different categories.

The cost to enter the competition is the same it has been for many years: $10 per project entered, up to a maximum of $75 for 8-12 entries.

For questions or concerns, please email Managing Editor Mark Kissling:




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