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Signs of the Times

February 1911 Signs of the Times Dedicated to Metal Signs

Plus, an unexpected promise of “live” reporting pre-radio or TV.





AN ANNOUNCEMENT INSIDE this February 1911 issue reads thus: “Beginning with the March Issue Signs of the Times will publish a regular department devoted to Metal Signs. This Metal Sign Number [issue] demon­strates the activity in the Metal Sign field. Signs of the Times will keep this department filled with live articles and information con­cerning metal signs.” Live articles? By early radio or carrier pigeon? See this and other issues dating back to 1906 at

  • Closer Look
    This guy, Mr. I. H. Sawyer, wasn’t a signmaker. Dude was the advertising manager for Brown Shoe Co. in St. Louis. Please don’t ask us to feature your client’s portrait on our cover!
  • The Ballad of “Bud” Atkinson
    Page 28 of this issue includes a 12-stanza ode to “The Champion Sign Writer,” Frank H. “Bud” Atkinson. A sample couplet: “At ‘spacing,’ Bud seldom erred / But if he did, he never cared.”



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We dive into the history of the sign industry’s oldest trade journal, highlighting some interesting facts about how it all started to where it’s headed. Did you know that Signs of the Times is nearly 120 years old?

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