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Signs of the Times

July 1919 Signs of the Times Cover Features Woman Installer

Plus, an editorial shoutout to a talented woman showcard writer.




Looking Up Women in Signs

THIS COVER FOR the July 1919 issue of Signs of the Times was one of just two to interrupt our string of “Edgar Alan Poe signwriter” covers between April 1918 and August 1920 (see ST, February 2024). Notable is the fact that a woman is not only “installing” a sign, but that two “doughboys” (US soldiers in uniform) are also looking up at her admiringly, perhaps in a nod to women performing what had traditionally been considered “men’s work” during World War I. See this and other issues dating back to 1906 at

  • Hangin’ Signs at the Y-M-C-A!
    The woman shown posting a bill for a location’s weekly entertainment at the YMCA is also wearing a YMCA hat. Even back then, it was fun to stay at the YMCA!
  • Show Card Wonder Woman
    Page 28 of this issue makes mention that “Miss Marian Hill is doing the cards for the L. S. Ayres Store in Indianapolis and is turning out some very fine pen work. This young lady handles from one hundred to three hundred cards daily and turns them out, with ease.”



Who’s Steering Signs of the Times?

We dive into the history of the sign industry’s oldest trade journal, highlighting some interesting facts about how it all started to where it’s headed. Did you know that Signs of the Times is nearly 120 years old?

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