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ISA Expo Headlines April’s Calendar

Plus, celebrate National Jelly Bean and Military Brat Days, too.





4 is National School Librarian Day, which recognizes the often-overlooked but valued members of school staff. School libraries are not only resources for students, but often ‘sanctuaries’ as well. Thank your school’s librarian, perhaps with a card or small gift.

10-12 The ISA International Sign Expo 2024 will be held APRIL 10-12 in Orlando, FL. Stop by our booth (2900) to say hi, subscribe and celebrate our sister publication Big Picture’s Best of Wide Format Awards, April 10 at 4 p.m. and our Women in Signs Awards, April 11 at 4 p.m.

22 On APRIL 22 we recognize National Jelly Bean Day — and during the right time of the year. In the 1930’s jelly beans became closely associated with Easter thanks to their egg-like shape. Go easy, though, as each jelly bean contains about four calories and a ton of sugar.

30 We close the month on APRIL 30 with National Military Brats Day. Military Brats Inc. founded this national day in 2016 to pay tribute to the sacrifices of military brats — children of military service people — so if you know a military brat, show them some extra love today!



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