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Circle International Sweatpants Day and National Bird Day in January

Work off some carbs consumed during National Bagel Day.




5 National Bird Day alights on JANUARY 5. Born Free USA and the Avian Welfare Coalition gave flight to the first annual day to promote avian awareness. Join over half a million admirers by bird watching, noticing new birds or setting up backyard feeders.

15 We have turn-of-the-century Polish-Jewish immigrants in New York and the surrounding boroughs to thank for introducing a favorite office-breakfast item, and so we celebrate National Bagel Day on JANUARY 15. Just make sure to be careful when slicing one!

21 Aren’t they “joggers” now? No matter. Wear ‘em on JANUARY 21 for International Sweatpants Day. French activewear company Le Coq Sportif is credited with inventing them for athletes in the 1920’s. Today in the US, they’re worn everywhere, even at weddings.

27 We close out the month on a serious note with Holocaust Remembrance Day on JANUARY 27. In 2005 the UN General Assembly marked the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps, which established this annual reminder never to forget.



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