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Editor's Note

Signs as Classic Art

Traditionally painted projects rate many sign pros’ bucket lists.




OF ALL THE WAYS to fabricate a sign, none so readily calls to mind “artistry” than the handpainted sign. Oh sure, bending glass for neon and customizing cabinets also demand an artist’s talent, but the simple plainness of the materials and execution of brushes and paint connects this oldest sign form back through history’s famous painters, all the way to ochered animals on cave walls.

Signs even have their own form of cave paintings — ghost signs on the sides of old buildings in cities and towns across the country and the world. Our cover story includes a mural painted to resemble a ghost sign but with an added trick. Such sign artists from the Letterheads to the Walldogs emulate the essence of these ethereal images of the past and help to preserve the styles and techniques for future generations to enjoy.

On the subject of classic designs, this month’s Benchmarks features five slick vintage vehicle graphic projects, both painted and vinyl. Here, too, we look to the past for inspiration and ideas to drive forward.

Finally, we also feature some bucket lists and must-do items of our Brain Squad. While some include the expected travel, sales or retirement aspirations, a few members dream of fashioning a sign — the like of which they’ve never made before — with one member citing goldleaf. And wouldn’t you know it? A couple of the sign artists in our cover story refer to their projects as straight from their bucket list.

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5 Smart Tips from This Issue

  1. Consider the new and volume markets opened by finishing machines. (Tech Products)
  2. Using old-school pounce patterns allows for more accurate mural painting than projection. (Brushed with Greatness)
  3. Start an official mentorship program at your company to foster future leaders. (Heidi Tillmanns)
  4. Applying vinyl on rough surfaces requires patient heat and tool techniques. (Mark Kissling)
  5. Cultivate a relationship with your banker for the many benefits it can produce. (Maggie Harlow)



Introducing the Sign Industry Podcast

The Sign Industry Podcast is a platform for every sign person out there — from the old-timers who bent neon and hand-lettered boats to those venturing into new technologies — we want to get their stories out for everyone to hear. Come join us and listen to stories, learn tricks or techniques, and get insights of what’s to come. We are the world’s second oldest profession. The folks who started the world’s oldest profession needed a sign.

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